(Video) The wonderful kitsch of closed circuit hospital bingo! (1978)

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Here is a delightful little time capsule. The following video has been salvaged from Mercy Hospital from Chicago. If you were (un)fortunate enough to have to spend time in hospital, patients had the opportunity to participate in a bingo game broadcast to their rooms via CCTV.

According to the YouTube description:

It’s a (mostly complete) edition of “Mercy Bingo” on Channel 4, emanating from media resources department of Mercy Hospital & Medical Center in Chicago (at 2525 Michigan Avenue). The host, who may be on some kind of tranquilizer or at the very least in need of an emergency charisma transplant at the hospital, is unidentified during the program (however someone helpfully wrote on the tape box “Mike (Bingo) Brierton”. So Mike Brierton, if you’re out there – I apologize). 😉

I’m going to be a bit more fair, there is something hypnotising about the whole delivery. Mike’s dry delivery of his quips and small talk, the wonderful splash screen and dated game show music when we have a winner, and the programming trailing off with a dance from a knock-off muppet frog make this video worth a view.

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(Video) The wonderful kitsch of closed circuit hospital bingo! (1978)

by Matthew Reel time to read: 1 min