Langdon Palmer, the pastor of Leverington Presbyterian Church who spent the first half of his life as an atheist, is preaching an eight-week series called “Harry Potter meets Jesus: Encountering the Gospel in unexpected places.”
Each sermon starts with a clip from Harry Potter and, using an excerpt or idea from the books, Palmer relates it to the Bible. He compares it to how Jesus used parables, revealing ancient, biblical truths through modern stories.
In increasing numbers it appears that young adults can’t seem to acknowledge the world without relating it to the pop culture they consume. Be it politics, dating, or otherise; it appears to me that some can’t relate unless it references their favorite fandom.
Langdom Palmer compares his approach to how Jesus used parables to teach his flock. Times have changed, it wasn’t so long ago when Harry Potter was accused of being evil, so I suppose we’ve come a long way.
I know that people argue that anything that gets children reading books is a good thing, but please teach your children that there are other books besides Harry Potter. At least that seems to be Pastor Langdon Palmer’s approach, however even he seems to have fallen under Potter’s spell…
“If something really deeply moves me, then I want to pay attention to that…there were a number of scenes in Harry Potter that struck me profoundly, so I’m just like, ‘wow, that’s just like this thing in the Bible,'” he said.
Oh, dear.
Source: Philadelphia pastor uses ‘Harry Potter’ series to attract millennials to church | Fox News
“Harry Potter meets Jesus” lol! – that might be as good as when he fought that Troll in that apartment building in San Francisco.